Dividend policy
If there are earnings in the annual final accounts, the Company pays taxes according to the law, and after making up the accumulated losses, 10% of the earnings is set aside as the legal reserve. However, when the legal reserve has reached the Company’s paid-up capital, no further provisions shall be made. The remaining balance of the earnings will be combined with the cumulative undistributed earnings of previous years and the amount is adjusted to the undistributed earnings of the current year. The Board of Directors then prepares a proposal on the appropriation of the earnings for a resolution at the shareholders’ meeting.
The Company adopts a prudent and balanced dividend policy. Dividends are allocated to shareholders based on profitability, financial structure, and the Company’s medium and long-term financial capital budgeting plans. Shareholders’ dividends shall be distributed based on no less than 30% of the Company’s net income after tax. However, no dividends shall be distributed if the cumulative distributable earnings are less than 10% of the paid-in capital. Appropriate cash dividends shall be set aside from among the Company’s total dividends, provided that such cash dividends shall not be less than 30% of the total dividends paid.
Dividend year (quarter): 2023
For other historical financial information , please refer to MOPS: Mercuries F&B (code: 7705).
Historical data of stock price
Link to historical data of stock price: Taipei Exchange (historical data of individual stock)